Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
G30 29: Voltron VS Prickly Pear
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
Hello! Welcome to VOLTRON!!!. The VOLTRON!!! where we VOLTRON!!! about VOLTRON!!!. VOLTRON!!!. VOLTRON!!!: LEGENDARY!!! DEFENDER!!! https://www.netflix.com/title/80075595 Alex and JoJo eventually calm themselves (VOLTRON!!!) and also talk about things that REALLY get Summer swinging! Like Steam's Summer Sale (Which has taken Alex's wallet hostage!): http://steamed.kotaku.com/this-years-steam-summer-sale-has-started-1782497448 And Shiner's very refreshing, carbonated Robitussin® flavored Summer Seasonal, Prickly Pear (Which has taken Alex's VOLTRON!!! hostage!): http://www.shiner.com/beer/prickly-pear Oh, and hey! Guess who's swinging into the Spiderman (MCU) Franchise!? Donald Glover! How exciting! http://nerdist.com/donald-glover-joins-spider-man-homecoming/ Apparently Xbox and Sony still continue to battle their VERY diverse fan camps against each other as both have loyal followers from our last G30 Question! This week's G30 Question is: How do you define yourself as a geek? Yep. It's deep. It's intimate. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, even a little scary. But we're counting on you! Just look deep into yourself. You feel that? Yeah you do. Feels a lot like... VOLTRON!!! ;) Join the conversation by sending us an email or a Tweet! You can even post your answer on our FB page! Let us know what it is that makes you a geek! -Cheers! PS: VOLTRON!!!
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
G30 28: E3/scape Room Herndon
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016
Alex and JoJo Escape from Room! In Herndon! Exclamation Point! But not without the help of The Amazing and VERY patient Deanna as well as hosts Bill and Brett of Not Another Podcast?. Escape Room Herndon: http://www.escaperoomherndon.com Not Another Podcast?: http://www.notanotherpodcastusa.com Deanna is Awesome: Website Pending Alex. Seriously. What's taking so long, Alex!? WWW.MAKEGOODDECISIONSALEX.NAO E3 had ALL. OF. THE. THINGS. So we pick a few key highlights that speak to us and elaborate on them. E3: http://www.e3expo.com/takeover Michelle recommends a great beer! :D (But we still question her phone choices... o_O) Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout: http://www.kentuckyale.com/portfolio_page/kentuckybourbonbarrelstout/ Last week's question had four answers! We included all of them on this episode! Including Michelle's! Michelle is Awesome! Be like Michelle! (Except the phone part. You're better than that.) This week's G30 Question: What video game controller do you feel most comfortable with? Let's be honest. You WANT to be heard. We want to hear you. How cool would it be to speak your piece amongst the Champions of Kalimdor!? Answer this question. Stand up against the Eastern Kingdoms. It would be the proper thing to do. Join in on the conversation with Episode 28! -Cheers!
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
G30 27: FOR THE HORDE!!!
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Alex and JoJo bring on guest Don (Diddi) immediately after watching the new Warcraft movie. SPOILER ALERT!!! *WE TALK WARCRAFT AT 40:19* Join in on the conversation as the three talk about: Skynet... When Elite's AI Created Super Weapons and Started Hunting Players: http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2016/06/03/elites-ai-created-super-weapons-and-started-hunting-players-skynet-is-here The chicken or the Egg dilemma, in which Japanese School Girls incubate chicks without their eggs: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3630643/How-grow-chick-egg-NO-SHELL-using-plastic-cup-cling-wrap.html Oh... Did I mention SPOILER ALERT!? Cause we talk Warcraft. It was epic. You should probably watch that first then come here. Don't worry. We'll wait. You're back? Awesome! Cause we read responses from last week's question as well as pose a new one for this week: What was the first beer you encountered and enjoyed? *COUGH* Audience Participation *COUGH* Speaking of beers, we enjoyed Yuengling's Black and Tan! Thanks Don! https://www.yuengling.com/our_beer/ Cheers!
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
G30 26: AwesomeCon is Awesome
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
Alex and JoJo go to AwesomeCon!!! We drink a local porter from a can (poured into a glass, obviously). Imogen Heap dances to play music. And Nintendo gives us more for E3. Oh, and a new segment, The G30 Question: We ask: What is your first experience with a computer? *PSSST! This is the part where you participate!* This and more on Episode 26! Cheers! Links: AwesomeCon: http://www.awesome-con.com Magic Music Gloves by Imogen Heap http://www.dezeen.com/2014/03/31/imogen-heap-gloves-mini-frontiers-movie/ Nintendo’s Plans at E3: http://nerdist.com/nintendo-changes-e3-plans-still-no-conference-or-direct/ Beer: DC Brau Penn Quarter Porter (In a can!) http://www.dcbrau.com/our_brau.cfm?brau=5#
Tuesday May 31, 2016
G30 25: #BiggestSmallBeerEver Porter
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
In celebration of Craft Beer Week, our friends at Quattro Goomba's Brewery created an awesome Porter! Alex and Jojo talk about some interesting comic book news and Alex's new favorite video game while drinking this great beer. Links: Captain America, the Hydra Agent http://nerdist.com/why-everyone-can-relax-over-the-captain-america-reveal/ AquaPhysical - AquaBoard http://www.aquaphysical.com Quattro Goomba's Brewery: http://www.goombabrewery.com #BiggestSmallBeerEver Porter https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/homebrew-recipe/biggestsmallbeerever/
Tuesday May 24, 2016
G30 24: Nevermore!
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tuesday May 24, 2016
The future is here! You can now have conversations with people who speak completely different languages. This tech was inspired by Star Trek, which Alex and Jojo also talk about with their guests from Pod Nerdy 2 Me, Mike and Josie. Lots of great banter and a refreshing beer from a sort of local brewery. Cheers! Links: Supergirl moves to CW http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/melissa-benoist-grant-gustin-supergirl-cw-1201778858/ Waverly Labs Pilot: Article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffreymorrison/2016/05/17/star-treks-universal-translator-waverly-labs-pilot-smart-earpiece-might-be-it/#737d2ce4ffb1 Link: http://www.waverlylabs.com Pod Nerdy To Me https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pod-nerdy-to-me/id1071552154?mt=2 Beer: The Raven Special Lager http://www.ravenbeer.com/default.asp?iId=GGHMML
Tuesday May 17, 2016
G30 23: Disney Infinity Is No More
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Fancy words are hard. Alex and Jojo prove this with an especially fun episode drinking some great beer from a local brewery. They talk about some movie news and how Disney Infinity shut it's doors. Is the Toys-To-Life game market dying? Listen in on Alex and Jojo's thoughts on the topic! Links: Jack Black Joins the cast of Jumanji http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/11/11659814/jack-black-kevin-hart-the-rock-jumanji-reboot-2017 Disney Infinity Cancelled http://kotaku.com/sources-the-ambitious-now-cancelled-plans-for-disney-1776370484 Beer: Ocelot Brewing http://ocelotbrewing.com
Tuesday May 10, 2016
G30 22: Vocal Abuse
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Virtual reality theme parks are now a thing! Also, do you think Disney cast the right young Han Solo? Alex and Jojo enjoy a great beer and talk about this and the new Captain America: Civil War movie in depth (with a spoiler alert). Cheers! Links: The VOID: VR Theme Park in Utah Actual website: https://thevoid.com Verge Article: http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/9/11603622/the-void-virtual-reality-ghost-busters-times-square Han Solo has been casted: New York Times Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/09/arts/alden-ehrenreich-is-cast-as-young-han-solo.html?_r=0 Beer: Samuel Adams Nitro Coffee Stout https://www.samueladams.com/craft-beers/nitro-coffee-stout
Tuesday May 03, 2016
G30 21: Live from Tin Cannon Brewery!
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Tuesday May 03, 2016
Alex and Jojo record live from Tin Cannon Brewery in Gainesville with a live audience! They sit down with John and Jose, a couple of the owners of this fantastic brewery, to talk about their passion for craft beer and inspiration to chase their dreams and start a brewery. They also talk about the latest in geek news, including Nintendo officially announcing their NX console and a VR game that will scare the poop out of you! Links: Nintendo NX Console Confirmed http://www.theverge.com/2016/4/27/11516352/nintendo-nx-confirmed-release-date Remaking Jumanji with Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart http://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/dwayne-johnson-and-kevin-hart-will-sit-down-for-a-quiet-game-of-jumanji-and-more-movie-news/ Paranormal Activity VR Game http://www.ign.com/videos/2016/04/15/how-scary-is-the-paranormal-activity-vr-game?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=ignvideo Beer: http://www.tincannonbrewing.com
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
G30 20: Not Another Geek:30 Happy Hour Podcast?
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Thursday Apr 21, 2016
Live from Aslin Brewery in Herndon, VA, Alex and Jojo were joined by Bill and Brett from Not Another Podcast? to try some great beers and talk about the latest in geek news! Enjoy this very special episode and be sure to check out Bill and Brett's hilarious show. Special thanks to Aslin brewery for the hospitality, we had a great time! Links: http://www.notanotherpodcastusa.com Cancer Can Rock Fundraiser - O’Sullivans Herndon Tuesday April 26 6-9pm: https://www.facebook.com/events/1693518170905488/ Little League Champs Show Friday, May 27 at 9:30 PM - 2 AM Rhodeside Grill 1836 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, Virginia 22201 Coleco Chameleon aka Retro VGS… Snake Oil for the Retro Gaming World http://motherboard.vice.com/read/crowdfunded-coleco-chameleon-game-console-is-a-mess Flyers fans keep it classy http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25559342/watch-flyers-fans-litter-ice-with-bracelets-despite-pa-announcers-pleas Beer: http://www.aslinbeer.com