
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
G30 75: Anniversary Plus Escape Room Equals Awesome
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Tuesday Jun 27, 2017
Where to start... Wow... No words...
Thank you all so much for following us through 75 (+/-) wonderful episodes!
As a treat, Emily from the 501st and winner of our Chewbacca impersonation contest came down from her garrsion in Maryland just to help us Beta Test a new Escape Room in Herdon that may or may not have ties to the 501st...
But she was not alone! Brett from Not Another Podcast? and his adorable wife Kathy came in to make sure we were properly equipped to escape...
Then, because he is awesome at Escape Rooms, Justin from two of our episodes joined in as well to round out the group of solid thinkers as well as solid wisecrackers!
Seriously, if you have an opportunity, try your hand at an Escape Room. They are a ton of fun.
Better yet, if you are located in or near the DC Metro/Northern Virginia area, you absolutely have to check out Escape Room Herndon!
We plunged in to the room, loved it, felt nostalgic, squeed at every turn, and ultimately managed to escape. As a result, we talk about the the room (ambiguously spoiler free) with Omer. The man is brillaint in both the concept and the execution.
Then, because Star Wars, we talk about the departures of two directors in favor of one director in the new Han Solo movie:
We also enjoyed a beer as a recommendation from the latest episode of NAP?:
Anderson Valley Summer Solstice
Finally, Episode 75's G30 Question of The Week:
Which Star Wars Stand Alone Movie Would You Like To See Next?
(If you hear hiss in the background, we shoved 9 geeks into a room full of amazing... but also stressful situations... We needed AC. Sorry, not sorry. :P)

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
G30 74: Guardians of a Modern Retro Universe
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Alex and JoJo celebrate Father's Day!
Solace Brewing Company
Sony's Venom will have ties to the MCU
Atari announces a colossal console comeback:
Then Alex and JoJo discuss Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2:
G30 Question of The Week:
What quality of your father has been most inspiring to you?

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
G30 73: We're fine. We're all fine here, now...
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Alex and JoJo break a thing!
But not on purpose...
After a few tweaks with the resident sledgehammer, the duo finally managed to make all their technology work for them...
For now...
Alex brings in Quattro Goomba's Precedent Pale Ale:
The the two talk the death of Adam West:
And some preliminary E3 2017 news:
Then Alex tries to stump JoJo with a quiz he took from SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE.
Finally, Episode 73's G30 Question of The Week:
If you were to be knighted, what would your title be?

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
G30 72: Sofa King Tired
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Alex and JoJo welcome Tim on to the show!
Tim brings:
North Country Brewing Co - Firehouse Red
The three then talk:
Amazon is hosting a major Marvel comic book sale:
Rick Moranis gets back into character:
And Apple’s new HQ makes skyscrapers look silly:
Plus, Episode 72's G30 Question of The Week:
What character death in any medium struck you the most?

Tuesday May 30, 2017
G30 71: Pay to Play
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Alex and JoJo welcome Alex's parents, Staci and Luis, to the show!
Leffe Brown
Hackers use subtitles
Then Staci and Luis talk about their trip to the newly opened Avatar area in Disney!
Plus, Episde 71's G30 Question of The Week:
Who Was Your First Celebrity Crush?

Tuesday May 23, 2017
G30 70: Maniacal Laugh
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Tuesday May 23, 2017
Alex and JoJo bring on guest, Sam AKA "samahndc" from the Twitchverse!
Sam brings not one, but TWO beers in light of his heritage and his spouse's heritage:
San Miguel Pale Pilsen Beer (Filipino):
Cass Fresh[edit] (Korean):
A pale-golden pale lager with an 4.5% ABV. Originally brewed by the Cass Brewery, the brand had been taken over by Jinro-Coors, one of the country's leading brewers. After having around 70% of the Korean lager market in the 1980s, by 1994 Cass had fallen behind Hite as Korea's top selling lager. Oriental Brewery bought the Cass brand from Jinro-Coors in 1999 and built it up again, with OB declaring a 51% market share in 2000. In 2007, the higher alcohol Cass Red was introduced. In 2011 Cass Lager became South Korea's number one selling brand, overtaking Hite.[5]
Non-alcoholic look-alikes of Cass can be found with brand names such as "Cars" and "Cdss". Some norae-bang (song bars) establishments have been known to try and pass off these imitations as the real thing, as Korean law prohibits noraebangs marked as such from selling alcoholic drinks within its premises (as opposed to noraejujeom establishments which are allowed to sell alcohol).
(Source: Wikipedia)
The trio then talk:
Tom Hardy as Venom
Little Mermaid TV Special
Star Trek Discovery
What country that you have not visited would you visit and why?

Monday May 15, 2017
G30 69: Giggity
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Alex and JoJo are late!
Well... Not like, THAT kind of late...
But Alex and Deanna went and had a baby and JoJo went and borked himself... Again...
Dammit, JoJo!
The two drink a lovely beer from a local brewery!
Mustang Sally Brewing Company Porter
Then they talk:
Deadpool Animated Series
Hellboy reboot
And Alex Quizzes JoJo on Star Wars!
(Hint: JoJo passes with flying colors this time)
(Because it wasn't a quiz about gameboy games)
And finally, Episode 69's Question of the Week:
In honor of the new baby Albisu: come up with a creative sci-fi esq way to explain where babies come from.

Monday May 08, 2017
G30 68: Get Your Body Beach Ready With VR!
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
Alex and JoJo share a fart!
Well... JoJo shares one with Alex... Who doesn't seem very excited about it.
The Duo bring on Emergence IBA, a local craft brew from Bad Wolf Brewing Company in Manassas:
Then they talk:
Anheuser Busch Purchases Wicked Weed Brewing:
Game Developer Loses 50 lbs playing VR:
Facebook shuts Oculus VR movie studio:
And for some inexplicable reason, Alex tries to quiz JoJo on Zelda games that were released on Gamboy.
Seriously! Who makes an online quiz about Zelda and only asks about the Gameboy titles!?
I'm not bitter! YOU'RE bitter! Shut up!
And finally, Episode 68's G30 Question of The Week:
What topics should Alex quiz JoJo on?
Be nice people. I'm your friendly, neighborhood, Jolly Ol' JoJo.
I do not know Quantum Physics.
(I had to look up "Quantum" to make sure I spelled it right... o_O)

Monday May 01, 2017
G30 67: Our Founding Imbibers
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
What if you could drink your dessert?
Southern Tier has discovered a way to make you enjoy thin mints in beer form! At 10%ABV no less! Yay!
Southern Tier Thick Mint
While enjoying this amazing brew, Alex and JoJo touch on the follwoing subjects:
Our Founding Fathers loved beer too!
Bionic Eye isn't just Sci-Fi anymore:
The theory of Stan Lee as The Watcher is confirmed by Marvel!
Plus, Episode 67's G30 Question of The Week:
Which Dead Person Would You Have A Drink With?

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
G30 66: The Intersection of Route 50 and HWY 66
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
There's ALWAYS traffic on 66.
Alex and JoJo welcome returning guest, Diddi!
The trio try a beer from a brewery in Maryland.
Ocean City Brewing Company Route 50 American Pale Ale
Then they proceed to talk about a new Netflix Original... Carmen Sandiego!:
Pico Brewing Kit from Kickstarter (Article presented by Pedro!):
And Nintendo planning on releasing a SNES Mini:
Then Diddi graciously gives us Episode 66's G30 Question of The Week:
What type of music do you listen to while you game?